Bus Driver's Math

Free Bus Driver's Math is an original game to improve your mental speed
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Novel Games Limited
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Awards (3)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
Used by 1 person
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Free   261 KB

Bus Driver's Math is an enjoyable and original game in which you must calculate whether the money paid by the passengers is enough to pay for their tickets. There will be different fees for different people. For instance, old people pay only 1 dollar, children pay 2 and adults pay 4. When they get on the bus, they will insert coins in the machine and you must calculate in the given time, which is not much, if the amount is enough or not. If the money is not enough, you will have to close the doors, so they can't leave without paying the corresponding sum. If you miscalculated and the passengers paid the right amount of money and you close the doors, you will lose a life. The same happens if you let them go and the amount was not correct and if you take too long to provide an answer. For every correct answer, you will be given points and when you are done with all the passengers, you can proceed to the next level. The game has many levels of increasing difficulty in which the groups will be bigger.

The game features simple but really nice graphics, with a great variety of characters who look really cute. Sounds are simple and the music is suitable and nice. The game can be played in full screen or from your web browser, and you can publish your score on multiple social sites.

In short, if you are looking for a challenging and enjoyable game to improve your mental speed, Bus Driver's Math can be a great choice.

SM Senior editor
Silvana Mansilla
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Enjoyable and original
  • Challenging
  • Cute graphics
  • You can share your score on multiple social sites
  • Free


  • Simple graphics and sounds


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